Friday, August 28, 2009

Broken Heart

A heart is not a toy

It is a collectable

It needs to be mended with love and care

Not scratched, not broken, not torn, or bruised

If it falls to the ground

And shatters into pieces

Make it into a puzzle

Glue it back together

If it does not hold

Try to put tape around it

You may soon find

That nothing in this world

Is strong enough to mend a broken heart

A broken heart can only be mended

By a healer not of this world

But a healer of the heavens, earth, and sky

Who is this healer?

Is he the one who people speak of?

The one they say have set us free

Free from sorrow, sin, and shame

Is he the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords?

Indeed he is Jesus Christ

Savior of all

The only one that can mend a broken heart

Does the World

Does the world do anything out of the ordinary?

Like make you feel like you don’t belong

Does make you feel worthless?

Will it take the ones who you love?

Ones you thought you may not lose

Someone you thought will always be at your side

Are you swallowed in the world?

So deep to where no one can see or hear

What you have to say

Does the world take you so far

To were you feel alone

When someone passes you by

They don’t even know you are there

Is the world such a scary place

That it makes you keep your eyes open every night

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



A word that is commonly used by the human race

We believe that there are many things that are impossible for us to accomplish

Many goals that seem impossible to achieve

What we don't realize...

Is that all things are possible.

What makes all things possible?

Jesus Christ does.

Searching for proof...?

Think of his life

His teachings, the miracles, his wounds.

By his wounds we are healed.

None of the Pharisees believed that he was the Messiah.

They wanted proof.

No, they needed proof.

They told him to get up off of his cross and walk away.

They mocked him, and spit in his face.

Three days later...he rose from they grave.

Holes still in his hands from where they nailed him to the cross.

Only then did they realize who he was.

All this comes to the point that, "Through Christ all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Just because all things are possible, doesn't mean that God will make them possible.

I Cannot Say Goodbye

I cannot say goodbye

For it is only a word I do not understand

When I say goodbye it hurts so much

You would never know the pain that I feel when I say goodbye

It doesn’t mean a thing

When I speak the very word

I feel as if I am one a hill of nails

Piercing every inch of my body

Goodbye to me is nothing

Only a word that I say

A word that will remain a mystery to me

So in the end

Let's start with Hello

Wondering Future

I cannot help to wonder

About the days to come

The future that lies ahead

Wanting to know what is to become of me

To think of the things to happen

See the things to leave

Wondering if the friends in the present

Will still be there in the future

Missing those who will leave

Loving those who will always be there

Caring for those who will just appear…

Monday, August 24, 2009


This world is full of many thoughts,

Feelings and questions

That’s what makes it all ordinary

Every question, thought, or feeling

Has its own importance

They are different in each and everyway

Even from the littlest thoughts to the smallest feelings

It’s all ordinary

Each person is different

In every way, shape, or form

Our thoughts, choices, and life styles

We were made to be different

Our dreams, our goals

They are somewhat similar

Yet they are different

We were given the right to choose

The right to live as we please

The way we live

Is different from another

The things we do

Has its own advantage

On how it affects our life

It’s ordinary

God has a purpose

He put every single one of us

Here on this earth

He has made us different from one another

And it’s what makes this earth ordinary

God has a plan

For all of us

We can choose to follow that plan

Or not

He knows what we are going to choose

What we are going to say, think, or do

He holds our future in his hands

And that’s extraordinary

Can't You See

Of all the tears I have shed

To all the prayers that I have prayed

You still seem to ignore it all

Why can’t you see the pain you cause?

The troubles you have made

The fear you have brought

Why can’t you see the love in front of you?

All the joy you would find

Of the people who care for you

Why do you choose to be blinded by hate?

The hate of a sinner, the hate of a serpent

You chose to walk down the fiery path of Hell

You forgot everything you once dreamed of

The one in which whom you believed in

You walked away

Away from everything and everyone

You didn’t care about the love we have for you

You had no reason to leave

Everything you wanted was right in front of you

And you chose to pass it up

And throw it all away

You are a loved one

You are wanted

Why can’t you see that?

My Heart Aches

You said you would never leave

You said you would always be here

But as I turn around you are not there

I hear you, but I do not see you

You said you would always be there

But now your not

I feel so alone, so lost

Because my Best Friend is gone

There is nothing but a whole in my heart

That whole is where you were

And that whole is where you belong

Now there is nothing but sadness

Sadness that will never go away

All the good time

All the games and videos remain

Other than that there is nothing else

Besides the memories and sadness in my heart

I love you

I love you as my sister

And as my friend

Even though you are gone

That love will never end

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Most like relative.

The relative I am most like is my mother. Not by the eyes but the hair, the looks of my face and my attitude. I am really srtrong temperd just like she is. I have also got the active gene in me to where I am good at almost every sport I play just like she was at 16.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What happens to the time?

Where does all the time go? I keep thinking about the past and all the fun times and it just makes me wasn't to still be living in those particular moments. In reality I know that I can't. I just wish that the best time in life (which I see to be right now) would slow down just a little bit. "How time fly's, I think it is time for it to take a walk and slow down" -Michelle Warner