Wednesday, August 26, 2009



A word that is commonly used by the human race

We believe that there are many things that are impossible for us to accomplish

Many goals that seem impossible to achieve

What we don't realize...

Is that all things are possible.

What makes all things possible?

Jesus Christ does.

Searching for proof...?

Think of his life

His teachings, the miracles, his wounds.

By his wounds we are healed.

None of the Pharisees believed that he was the Messiah.

They wanted proof.

No, they needed proof.

They told him to get up off of his cross and walk away.

They mocked him, and spit in his face.

Three days later...he rose from they grave.

Holes still in his hands from where they nailed him to the cross.

Only then did they realize who he was.

All this comes to the point that, "Through Christ all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Just because all things are possible, doesn't mean that God will make them possible.

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