Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Have you every felt that there was a ton of tension between you and someone you really love. It gets so bad to where you cant stand to be around them anymore. Like lets say for example this person is so bullheaded and will not listen to you when you point out their faults and they wont listen to you when you say that they are wrong. Or that they say they know how you feel when they truly don't. Or they come up with some lame excuse and accuse you for something that is wayy off the matter of the things that are happening at that point in time. And to not help things at all there is someone else in the picture that wont stand up to this person because they are afraid of losing them, even though it is killing the person inside and out because that other person is too afraid. Well in the mix of it all this is how I feel, and it is sort of an overview without names to help you understand why I am the way I am. All because of this here situation, I am afraid, and sad and hurt on the inside. When I get the courage to talk to this one person, it ends up turning into a nasty fight because they can't shut up for on second and actually listen to the things I have to say. The excsuse for this is because they say they already know. But in reality they don't. They just don't.

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