Thursday, May 5, 2011

A rant from me...I'm sick of this B.S!!!

You know it shouldn't be this hard to have a relationship with the person you love. I know that going through things like this makes you stronger but I am sick and tired of having someone butt there nose into to someplace it doesn't belong. The only person who belongs in the relationship are those who are actually involved and the parents of those two. Note that I said PARENTS! That means the ones who raised you. The ones who helped you get on the path to your future. It doesn't matter if they are living with someone else of the family; once you hit that set age to where you know what you want with your life and that you are on your way to getting there because you are grown; it doesn't matter if your 17 or 18. By that age you are done being raise and your parents are done raiseing you because they know thats its to late in life to take back whats been done and said for the child to change their mind. That is the age to where the child starts to grown and to learn to be their own person. Thats the time in life to where your parents can do nothing but support you in what you choose for yourself. And if they don't like your choice then there is really nothing they can do because they can't and most likey won't force you to be someone your not. But I am tired of watching this happen to the one that I love. I'm sorry but you can't change who he is and what he wants. You don't have that control of power over him. So I suggest that you get it through your thick head and realize that your not getting rid of me. And that the only persons fault that is drawing him away from you is your own. I am not the one who is making up b.s. lies, and I am most certianly not the one trying to ruin his life by controlling every action he makes by finding some petty crap of an excuse to ground him because you want to keep him at home. All your doing for yourself is pushing him away. So don't blame me on that day he turns 18 and leaves to live with me and my parents and never returns to the life he hates. There is soo much more that I could say but the words are just too jumbled to come out!!!! I"M SICK OF THIS!!!!!!!!! And I WILL fight and I will fight hard!!!!!!!

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