Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm Done Waiting!

I will not give up
I will over look the pain and the hurt in my heart
When I see your face I will be as excited as ever
But I will cover up the feelings I have for you
To save our friendship

When I see your face
I will overlook the pain and the hurt in your eyes
It was your decision
So it has been made

I will not settle for second best
I am worth more than that
I will not waste my time
Waiting for you to realize what is right in front of you

However I will help water that seed
That has been planted in your life
So that you can grow and move forward
In your walk with Christ

I am willing to take the pain I feel when I'm
Around you, talk to you and even look at you
Just to show you the love of Christ

He means everything to me
and I am willing to put myself through emotional pain
To return the love that he has given me

You are on my heart for a reason
and I will use everything that God has given me
To fulfill that purpose

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About Tomorrow

Today is a day
But tomorrow is different
You don't know whats going to happen
Each and everyday is different
But always think about tomorow
Are you going to be awake
Or are you going to be in a place where you feel lost
Every second you are thing something different
Every minute you are doing something else
We are not promised tomorrow
It will remain a mystery to us
You won't know until it happens
So be prepared for whats coming
It would help with the fears of tomorrow
Tomorrow is a day of guestions
Is it going to be sunny
Or is it going to be cloudy
Will I be happy, sad, nad or hurt
Will it be a day I'll never forget
Or will it be a day that will be lost forever
These are questions we all have
That no person could answer
Only one knows whats going to happen
He is the ruler of all
Jesus Christ

Whats a Friend to a Best Friend

The days come and go
Each time, I ru
From the life I once had
Scared to love, care, or even be close to someone
Everytime, they get taken away
The only thing left, was the pain
Knowing that person was always there
They cared, and would find the time to listen to me
and yet they understood
They would put aside anything
Just to be there for me
If I fell, they would help me up
They would do anything to keep me on the right path
I have searched for a friend like this
Not only did I find one
But God blessed me with two

I am grateful to have them as a friend
All thanks to the father in heaven

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Scary Halloween

The movie Halloween scared me. Till this day I can hardly watch it. I don't really know why but it does. I will occasionally sit there and watch it but not so often. But one movie I can sit there and watch is When a Stranger call's. I dont really see a different between the two movies, but I'm not really scared to watch this one.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Halloween Monsters who?

Halloween was and always has been
A day for the monsters to attend
There's big one's and small one's
Short one's and tall one's
They may look scary
But in truth they are not at all
Some may be harry
Some may be bare
When it comes to Halloween
All monsters can scare

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lost to be found

Stop your searching
and put down your selfish ways
for you have found happiness
You are no longer lost
for you have found me
I am the all giving
I supply strength for the weal
I am the author of salvation
Your sins have been forgiven
Your chains are broken
The faith you have shown
Is the key to your belief
The love you accept
Is the goal of my teachings
My child, I bless you with gifts
Gifts you give back to me
The prayers of your friends
Has shown my love to thee
I am the Lord your God
To whom you have worshiped

I am here

When life comes at you hard
and you began to fall
I want you to know
I will be there to catch you
When things seem uneven or not fair
and you need someone to talk to
I am here to listen
When it seems like you have lost all faith
and you feel like giving up
I will push you to go on
Because I believe in you
When your arms are to heavy
to hold up on your own
I will be there to lift them myself
For I am a friend who loves
A friend who cares about your choices
and how you live your life
I will be here till the end
Because you are my Best Friend
and I love you with all my heart

A Day to Remember

A day to remember
Is a day to love
If that day never comes
Make a day to remember

Any day can be made to remember
If it's bad
Make it good
If it's sad
Make it happy

No one should leave this Earth
Without a day to remember

To remember a day
Is something you don't want to disappear
It's a special memory to share with your family


Tear's, tear's and more tear's
They keep coming
and they wont stop

I tell them to go away
but they don't listen
Why are they here
What causes them to flow

Hurt, pain, sadness
Or is it the broken heart that wont heal

The broken heart that keeps shattering
Into smaller and smaller pieces
Until there's nothing left

These tear's are caused by the pain inside me
When I scream
I scream so soft
To where only God can hear

So soft that nobody around me knows
About the pain and sadness deep inside me

Beautiful One

Here I am sitting under the clouds, staring at the setting sun
How beautiful it seems
Watching the sun set
My mind wonders into a place so peaceful
All the cares in my life no longer seems to bother me
As I stare into the hypnotizing colors of the west
What a marvelous creation
That my eyes have set upon
Something so beautiful
In a uncaring world
How it seems to make everything calm
The wind dies
The birds finish there day as they settle in their nests for the night
The rabbits snuggle into there holes
The little children enter their homes for supper
The day seems all but forgotten
As a voice whispers through the air
A voice so beautiful
That the sun itself was no match
The sweetest of sounds that your ears would ever set upon
It is a reminder of love
Such a beautiful love
That no other could match
An everlasting love
That triumph’s over all
Love from the beautiful savior
The creator of everything so wonderful
That my friend is the voice of the air