Thursday, October 1, 2009

Beautiful One

Here I am sitting under the clouds, staring at the setting sun
How beautiful it seems
Watching the sun set
My mind wonders into a place so peaceful
All the cares in my life no longer seems to bother me
As I stare into the hypnotizing colors of the west
What a marvelous creation
That my eyes have set upon
Something so beautiful
In a uncaring world
How it seems to make everything calm
The wind dies
The birds finish there day as they settle in their nests for the night
The rabbits snuggle into there holes
The little children enter their homes for supper
The day seems all but forgotten
As a voice whispers through the air
A voice so beautiful
That the sun itself was no match
The sweetest of sounds that your ears would ever set upon
It is a reminder of love
Such a beautiful love
That no other could match
An everlasting love
That triumph’s over all
Love from the beautiful savior
The creator of everything so wonderful
That my friend is the voice of the air

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