Thursday, December 3, 2009


OK so I am like so excited because my sister is that much closer to having her baby. And when I say that much I mean REALLY close. She went to the doctor yesterday and found out the she is 2cm dilated and the baby's head is sitting right on the canal. For those of you who don't know what that is; it is the place in the womb in which the baby comes out of when born. Anyways, so my mom ended up getting a call last night from my sister and she was freaking out because she was having these pains in the bottom of her stomach and it was happening every so-in-so minutes. Well that happens to be the contractions that she is having, BUT they are still pretty far apart. So the baby's name is Raschel Lehann which kind of sounds like Michelle. But that was meant to be on purpose because she is naming her baby after me. And man let me tell you, I don't any words to describe how I feel about that. It's just so overwhelming! And to top it all off she is suppose to be born on Christmas Day in which that is also my birthday. BUT, since all this happening last night we don't think shes going to last that long. We're thinking maybe around the end of this week or sometime next week. Bout OMG I am SOO excited to be an Aunt!! Oh and if I haven't mentioned this yet we are going to call her Raley (the nickname I came up with) because Raschel is knid of a mouth full and we will probably get it mixed up with Michelle, and we can't call her Shell or Shelly because those nicknames are takin by me; in which I am now going to be known as "Aunt Shell"!!!!! :D

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