Friday, December 11, 2009

The Baby's Here!!!

So all this happened on Wednesday night. It all started at her morning appointment. She was 3cm as of that morning. So the Doctor decided, well I guess it would be okay to go ahead and try and break her water. Sure enough she did but nothing happened. So her and my mom decided to go to Ohio County and visit my Aunt and walking around, hoping that it would throw her into labor. Now keep in mind that this is still the afternoon and her appointment was at 9:30am. So before church my mom got a call from my sister. She was saying that she was having pains and feeling tons of pressure. mom told her to go to the hospital to see if the will go ahead and emit her. Now it was after church at about 8:20 when I got to the hospital. We were waiting to see of the doctor would keep her for the night. After waiting for about 2 in a half hours it was decided that she would stay. So they put my sister on iv to speed up her contractions. Sure enough it did. But it took it's own sweet time doing so. It was about 12:00 or so when her contractions started to pick up and after a few hours after that spike, is when it all happened. All the pushing and screaming, all the pain and happiness, and then there was crying. As the cutest most adorable baby sitting right in the doctors hands weighing 7 pounds and 1 ounce at 18 inches long. Then her daddy was there to separate her from her mother completely by cutting her imbilacule cord. A beautiful baby girl named Racshel Lehann Sumner was born at 3:20am on Thursday December 10th, 2009. Let me just tell you, it was a hectic night for all of us, but it ended with such a major blessing. So as for me; I am proud to say that I am an Aunt!!

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