Friday, February 11, 2011

Do you grasp this?

At what age does one really start learning how to be an adult? Or should I ask at what age do your parents finally realize that they are done raising you? I'm sure most would say eighteen and out of the house. But to be honest, I believe it comes much earlier than that. How many teenagers do you think butt heads with their parents once they hit seventeen? I would say just about most of them. The reason being, most teenagers are done and ready to make their own decisions for their life. To set their future in the direction they want it to be. Yes I know most teenagers are still living at home with their parents at seventeen, but that doesn't stop them from trying to make their own choices for their life, whether they are good or bad. The age seventeen is a tough age to be at. One, it's a year older than sixteen, and most of us know how great turning sixteen was, and two, it's a year younger than eighteen; the mind of a seventeen year old, well for those who actually grasp the concept that they are much closer to the age of freedom, is so caught up in trying to figure out what they actually want to do with their life. Now I know I just turned eighteen, it may not have seemed so special at first, but when I think about my year as a seventeen year old teenager and what all ran through my mind then. Well it's like a slap in the face now. Seventeen was the year to think about goals that you want to accomplish and to come up with a plan to meet those goals. Eighteen is that year you have to act on your plan. It's tough, it really is. But don't let life scare you. For one, you are still with your parents and they are there to help you get settled in your new life on your own. But that doesn't stop them from giving their opinion on some of the choices you make. Yes I know you might not want to hear what they have to say because their word means nothing to you when you’re going to do what you want anyways. It’s a matter of respect towards your parents. They are the ones who did raise you and they will voice their opinion. If it’s not what you want to hear then consider what they say and don’t make an argument about it. It’s will just make things harder on yourself and on your parents. Respect them and their rules whenever you our under their roof. I am guilty of the lack of respect when it comes to my parents voicing their opinion on my life’s choices. But it is also them who have shown me that they are done raising me now. It’s my turn to step up and take control of my actions and choices, and I know that they are there to support me the best they can. I love my parents. And I thank God for them. Without them, I would not be as strong as I am today. So don’t take your parents for granted when they voice their opinion. They only want what’s best for you.

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