Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Time X2.

Where does all the time go? I keep thinking about the past and all the fun times that I had and sometimes I wish that I was still in those moments. In reality I know that I can't be. Being a senior with graduation right around the corner I tend to catch myself thinking of those days in Elementary and Middle school. The days when I stayed in one class room the entire day for each subject, the easy homework, the fun coloring pages and crazy projects that we were assigned. And then my mind comes back to the present and the thought of being a senior seems so strange. Knowing that in less than 6 months I will be out on my own, no more of my parent’s rules to keep me going straight, no more expecting my parents to take care of my every need and telling me which way to go. It will be time for me to take everything I learned and all the rules and put them into practice. There’s going to be no one telling me what choices to make and no one telling me how to this and how to do that. It’s all going to be my responsibility. I don’t know if it’s the thought of that, that scares me or if it’s knowing that the start of my future is about begin.

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