Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just one person in a group of 3 friends...

Here lately I have felt, well I guess you could say I have felt alone. I know that I am not; it just feels that way. Then again, I suppose a better way to put this is that I feel distant. Distant from a few things actually. I am sure it is because I put myself there. I don't know if it's because I am mostly focusing on my life right now or if it’s because I'm just getting myself ready to take a big step in my life. One of the major things that I feel distant from is my friends. It is not as it used to be; at least it feels that way. Things are different between them and me. I am not sure if it is just me thinking that or if that is actually the way it is. If that is the case, then I do not like. I do not like feeling distant from my friends. Especially my best friends. It use to be where I would text nonstop or call them just to chat. And that would normally be for an hour or more. But now it just seems that I call or text them when I need something. Or that when I do call for a chat there is this awkward silence on both ends because we do not know what to say. Now I do not know if they feel this too but I most certainly do. My friends are a part of my life. That is the way I want it to be and the way that it will be. No matter where we are or how many miles apart we end up being. They will be a part of my life. I am just tired of feeling distant from them. I want things to feel as they use to, and it will never be too late to change that.

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