Friday, November 12, 2010

"You never know what you have until its gone."

"You never know what you have until its gone." I see this quote and I laugh. It is SO not true. I know what I have and I know that it is special. What I have, I couldn't ask for anything better. My family! (when I say family I mean my family, best friends, and yes my boyfriend.) Each one of them has a very special place in my heart and they are very important to me. I could go on and on to describe each one of them but that will take too long to type and I might bore you guys to death. So I am just gunna go by categories. :)
Family (mom, dad, etc)- They are the best. Between us we like to pick at each other. Some people call it mean. But I call it quality family time. For one, we all know we don't mean it, but it's just so fun! That is probably why I am so sarcastic. I love my family.
Best Friends- Now this is a group that saved me. Saved me from loneliness. There are four of us. And it gets pretty crazy when we're all together. It's not a bad crazy either. Where the type that where ever we are we just have fun. The best thing is that people who don't know us look at us like we are wack-O's! These girls are like my sister's. That's how close we are. I love them to death and I honestly don't want to know where I would be without them.
Boyfriend :)- here is a guy that has swept me off my feet. Literally! I know I'm only a senior in high school, but I can honestly that he is the one. And the best thing is that the feelings I have for him is a mutual thing. Now I'm not gunna go on and on with mushy gushy stuff but I do truly love him and I look forward to a future with him!
That is why when I read this quote I have to laugh. Because I have proof I need to prove it wrong. And for those who say "Oh anything could happen and feelings change all the time." I have only one thing to say to that. I know for a fact that these people that I have told you about will not change and thier feelings about our friendship/relationship will always stay the same if not grow stronger. Why? Because God is the one who as brought us all together and he is our foundation! And I'm sorry but nothing you van say will change my view on it! :)

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