Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The day when something inside me changed! Fall Fling 2010

So this past weekend was Fall Fling, which is a youth convention that we go to every year with our youth group. Well this year was amazing. I mean REALLY amazing. God was all over the arena messing just about every ones face up! But something happened to me this year...I'm not exactly what it is just yet...but I know a change has been made. I feel as if God has something new for me. Here lately I have had a passion for little kids. I want to work with them and help these little children that have no food or water and there life just seems helpless. As I watch these mission videos about children in Africa, Asia, etc. the emotion I see on their faces is so depressing and lost. They look hopeless. I wanna be someone to show them hope. To show them God! To work with them, feed them, save them. It kills me every time I see a picture of a lost little boy or girl who has no one. Either they lost their parents to AIDS or some other deadly disease or they have been kidnapped and forced into slavery or a sex trade. It does happen, and quit often too. I want to be God's tool to help change their lives. To help save them from a dark and sleepless life. And the more I pray about the missions trip I am going on in April. The more I feel led to work with the Children's Ministry. i'm not sure what this change is that God has made. But the more I pray and seek, he will reveal the answer to me.

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