Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My greatest fear...

My greatest fear as a kid was mainly the dark. I was always afriad that something was goning to jump out an eat me. It wasn't really the fact of believing in monsters at the time. Because thoes didn't really scare me. I was just afraid of the darkness that surrounded me. Because I felt alone. But now that I'm older, it seems kind of silly. Now I don't have to be afraid to be alone. I have people in my life that I care about and I know they care about me. No matter my faults; I know they will never leave me.

Monday, September 28, 2009


I like fall but it is not my favorite time of the year. Fall is a fun and beautiful time for me and brings back all kinds of memories. I love the change of the trees and the new smell it brings. What I like about fall the most is it gives me the opprotunaity ti wear jackets. I love wearing jackets. Some people may find me weird for it, but I don't really care because I am more comfortable in a jacket than I am in a regular shirt. I feel more secure.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Never be afraid to sit a while and think"

The thing with this quote is, I am afraid to just sit in think. Maybe not all the time, but here lately I have been. Just the things that has gone on and happened to my family and me the past 2 years. It's something I don't want to think about. I also do not want to think about the future just yet. I mean I know what I'm going to go to college for and I have a few of them in mind. It's just...I not exactly ready to think about being out on my own...and leaving all my best friend...I'm not ready for it. There are times I wish that the days would go by slower and time I wish for them to speed up. But I know it doesn't work that way. But when I do sit and think...I normally pull out a pen and paper and just right...right a small entry or a poem. Writing is something I have always been good at. Unless it's an assignment for class...because then I have to think about what I'm writing...but normally I just write. And what comes out after I read it is what I realize to be true.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Life Goes On

Life seems to be tough at times. But you can't let them get you down. I know it may be hard at first to move on. It is for me. But during the times that I go trough; I remember that I have a God that loves me enough to pull me out of anything, and he pushes me forward when I know I need to, but to scared to take that step. I know that he has put some amazing people in my life to be there for me through those times. As he has for each and everyone. He is an amazing God, who loves sinners but hates the sin. Sinners being the people, and the sin being, well you know, sin. So don't mistake that as God hateing you because the only hates the sin that you do. Not only is he a loveing God, he is also a forgiving one. He will forgive you of your sin. But once you ask for forgiveness, don't turn around and go back to doing the same thing. The bible compares a person going back to their sin to a dog going back to it's vomit. That is just plain disgusting, and yet very true. So in the life you live, what do you choose? To live for everything God is and that he has stored up for you? Or to keep up your life of sin, asking for forgiveness a few times then going straight back to it?

Friday, September 18, 2009

What to do

When I think about the future. It makes me wanna cry. It scares me to think that in less than 2 years I will be out on my own. And I am not sure I'm ready for a huge jump like that. I mean I know what I want to do with my life abd I know wear I'm going to start. But I'm just not ready to leave all my friends and family behind.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Friendship v.s. Struggles

There comes times in my life when it seems that everything fails

It feels as if my whole life has been change

Because of one little thought or decision

But when I look at the people around me

That love and care for me

With the deepest passion that is allowed in a family or friendship relationship

I know that I won't be alone

I know they will always be there besides me

and as it is Vi's-verse

Only my truest of friends

Really care about my crazy mind

And all that may pass through it

Even my bestest of friends

Is always there

I really don't know what I would do with the people I have in my life

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"A family that laughs together stays together"

Each one of us has a different laugh. Not one of us will sound the same. Yet we all seem to laugh at different things. Laughter is important because it is a sign that you are happy or rather it will cheer you up. For me a good laugh at any point in time always makes me feel better. I would say laughter is very contagious. Every time one my friends truly laugh it always makes me laugh. Rather if the situation is funny or not, I will laugh with them because I laugh at their happiness. The people who makes me laugh the most would be my best friend. I don't know what it is about her...It doesn't matter what kind of mood I am in she always seems to find a hole around it and ends up making me laugh.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Worthless or not

No matter what I go through or what I do
No matter where I'm at
You will always be there

You help me with my hardest trials
and you pull me out of my deepest depressions
There are people in my life that are meant to comfort me
When I need most

Even though knowing that all this is true
I find myself still stuck
In everything that is new

I can't seem to find the words
that will make sense of all this mess
Every jumbled word
to every pointless thought

All it is to me
is such a worthless fought