Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Life Goes On

Life seems to be tough at times. But you can't let them get you down. I know it may be hard at first to move on. It is for me. But during the times that I go trough; I remember that I have a God that loves me enough to pull me out of anything, and he pushes me forward when I know I need to, but to scared to take that step. I know that he has put some amazing people in my life to be there for me through those times. As he has for each and everyone. He is an amazing God, who loves sinners but hates the sin. Sinners being the people, and the sin being, well you know, sin. So don't mistake that as God hateing you because the only hates the sin that you do. Not only is he a loveing God, he is also a forgiving one. He will forgive you of your sin. But once you ask for forgiveness, don't turn around and go back to doing the same thing. The bible compares a person going back to their sin to a dog going back to it's vomit. That is just plain disgusting, and yet very true. So in the life you live, what do you choose? To live for everything God is and that he has stored up for you? Or to keep up your life of sin, asking for forgiveness a few times then going straight back to it?

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