Monday, January 25, 2010

When I Speak Your Name

So this is the song that we are doing for this years District Fine Arts Festival human video. I have simply fallen in love with this song and I am so looking forward to learning the rest of this human video. I personally think it is amazing. Just to hear the words behind this song and put them with our theme is going to be Heart touching. Even just to hear our plot of this human video make me want to cry. Not only because of the sadness it starts out as but because how marvelously it is to end. Just to see the pain and fear that starts out with the very first part is so strong that you would think it is actually happening. And to have such an amazing youth of teenagers that have the talent for this and that chose to tryout for our drama group, helps make the human video even more touching. To see the passion in each one of their eyes including my own is just simply amazing. And to have two wonderful teachers (Pastor Josh and his wife Rachel) who came up with this moving human video is surely a huge blessing for us. They put in the time and patience to work with such a group like us really takes a lot. I am extremely excited and can not wait to see the outcome of this in March. I am also looking forward to working and spending time with each and everyone of our drama members. Our members include: Kaitlin Bash, Melissa Fulkerson, Lacey Ramburger, Brittany Main, Josh Seaton, Josh Williams, Sarah Ulber, Denver, and myself.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Life seems to be coming at me fast. It's like all of a sudden that all these decisions and choices I have to make are being thrown at me. But I guess it's come to the time for me to grow up and learn some responsibility. I have some sacrifices to make in order to get my life straight and keep it that way. Like getting a job for example: I have to sacrifice all of the free time that I have in order to make some money so I can save up for a car and what not. I know there are going to come times to where I feel so worthless and have no strength left to keep going. I can honestly say that I have already had times like that. But I know that God is there for me and he will give me the strength that I need and the wisdom when it comes to that certain time. He has put the most amazing family and friends in my life to help stay on track! :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Poem 1

Hatred, jealousy, and greed;
are the causes of war.

Because of war;
Our loved ones are lost.

Lost and buried in a world of sin;
Screaming deep inside of a black hole.

Waiting and searching for a way to be free.
Hoping and waiting to be rescued.

Worship, prayer, and grieving;
Are the causes of love.

Because of love;
“He” gave his life.
Because of love;
“He” was risen.

Be forgiveness and surrender;
We are washed by the blood.

We are found and uncovered;
Saved from inside ourselves.

Because of Jesus Christ our savior,
Took the punishment for us.
Are the causes of our freedom.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What I look foward to in 2010.

In 2010 I look foward to our drama group at church starting back up and us getting ready for our competition in March. I also look foward to my youth pastors wife having her baby; which so happens to be that her due date is that same weekend in March that we leave for our competition. The more I think about this year the more I want to come of it, but I try not to get my hopes to high because it may not always turn out the way I expect it to. But the things I know I can expect if for my niece to grow up healthy in a loving home! Also growing closer to my friends and even my best friends throughout the year. I can also expect and hope to expect the chance to meet new people and make new friends and have our little cricle grow. I am expecting a lot to come of this year and hopefully it will be better than the past two years.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Year of 09

This past year has had its ups and downs but I never let bad things stop me from going forward. But I think the funnest thing and most memorable would be my trip to Florida with my youth group. We ended up going for a drama competition that we won that march and Nationals so happened to be in Orlando. So the 9 of us with a few parents and youth leaders headed down to Orlando the week before school to embark on what seemed to be the most exciting yet most stressful/terrifying journey. But sadly we did not make past the first round. But I would have to say that we did accomplish what we were aiming for in our drama. "God's anointing." It was really great besides all the stress and frustration and not to mention the mood swings of 7 girls during our practice times. But besides all of that we had an amazing and fun trip. We got closer to the ones we hardly new and even closer to the one's that we thought was never possible to even get closer. But in the end we all turned out to be as close as family. It was a fun time. Especially the late night swims and our small trip to MGM Studio's. Which I personally could of settled for going to the beach but it was the majority that ruled. But it was still fun to see the stunt show and walk around in all the stores and go through the movie rides and museums. But I personally think the best thing at MGM Studio's was the Toy Story Attraction Game. That was so cool but we had to wait in line for like a good 2 in a half hours, but let me tell you it was so worth it. Now the worst thing was the Tower of Terror. I got dragged onto it. It was cool up until we got to the drops. That thing literally took my voice away. No joke! But it was a great and amazing trip and it is something i will definitely wont forget!