Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Heart

What is it that we as the human race have against the name Jesus? Why is it that some people’s skin crawls at the thought of his name? Why is it that true followers of Christ are spat on, made fun of, called names, looked down upon, and some even killed? Why are there people that claim to love Jesus, but not have it in their mind that he IS a person? In other words, why love Jesus like you love a pair of jeans or shoes? It breaks my heart a thousand times more to walk down my school hallway to see these things happen. It kills me over and over to see it in my own family and closest friends. When I see people that claim to be “True” Christians not stop to help someone who is desperately reaching out, and you can see they are because it is all over there face, movements, and sleeves. It makes me wonder if their heart is truly Gods. And when they don’t even notice that person; then there has to be something wrong. How can you love Jesus but not his people? We are made in his image are we not? Some of you may read this and feel exactly the way my heart feels. Then others my feel the same, and tell you to your face, but as soon as you leave they laugh and make fun and say “What a joke”. I am just so confused on why people are this way; on why they think Jesus is a joke. It breaks my heart, and my heart is totally and completely Gods. So when my heart cries for others; I know God heart is breaking. We are Gods children, and it is time to make a change for him!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Evil Plans!! (Read if you dare) Muahahahaha!

So my cousin Lacey and I have this plan. And well this plan is sort of on the evil side. I can't really tell you what our plan is because it is for the safety of.. .well ourselves. But I can give you this long rant (which as you see I have already started) about me not telling you what our diabolical plans are. I can tell you...oh wait no I can't, never mind. Forget I brought it up. Your just going to have to keep your eyes open for any major "dark" changes...well I shouldn't even tell you we are making changes. That is a faulty on me. But hey I am new at this whole evil trip and it is going to take some getting use to. So forgive me if I'm not perfect with it at first. Which, since I am evil now, then your best bet should be choosing to forgive me! So I as you read this your just going to have to suffer with wanting to know but not finding out (at this moment). Well I hope I was some help if not then your just going to have to suck it up and grow a backbone and get over it. Muahahahaha! >;)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Why Online?

The reason(s) I get online vary. Sometimes I get online for homework or projects that I have to do for school. I also get online to check my e-mail, Facebook, Myspace etc. Other times I get on to check and look around at colleges that I may plan to visit or have in mind to attend in the Fall of 2011. But I do'nt get online as much as I use to. Staying on Facebook 24/7 doesn't appeal to me anymore because I can now get text messages through friends that way. So I don't have to sign on to Facebook just to talk to some of my friends.

Confusion to Romance...?

I was a little confused because not long before my crazy dream I told you about in my last blog; my boyfriend ended up calling me after I had been asleep for about 20 minutes and I most definitely do not remember hearing my phone ring (even now I don't remember!). All I remember was saying "Hello" and then hearing his lovely voice on the other end. So apparently I must have been half-asleep. No telling what I said to him in-between conversations. But we only talked like 15 minutes but it felt longer than that. Even though that was the only time I got to talk to him that day; I still cherish every moment of it! Talking to him for only 1 minute can make my day and keep me happy. I look forward to talking to him every day. But the hardest thing is; his time zone is 2 hours behind us because he lives in Arizona right now. But I have known him for a few years because he comes here ever summer to visit his mom. Luckily, this year he decided to move down here. So behind our relationship is a very good friendship; which is the way it should be. There is also a funny coincidence about our relationship, but I am not going to say it. I’m just going to leave to wonder; but if you want to know just leave me a comment and I will make the answer my next post. Oh and by the way my boyfriends name is Nathan Sullivan <3.

What a weird dream!

Okay so my dream last night was extremely weird. It started off with my friend Kaitlin and I walking in late to our youth group service Kaio on Wednesday night. Normally I am there early because I play in the worship band and we have practice. But the only people on stage were Kaitlyn Larsen and my youth pastor. But there was someone playing the guitar because I heard it. I noticed when I looked around that the friend I have been teaching to play was among to youth in the building and playing right along with them. My first thought was why she wasn't on stage playing but then it occurred to me that this was Melissa (the friend that I have been teaching) then I noticed the guitar she was playing. It was my guitar! I was like "What the heck! Why and how does she have my guitar and how did she learn to play so good so quickly?!" After we got past that Kaitlin and I went up to the front like we normally do during worship and it was just us two. Which is kind of weird because normally everybody is down front. But then the next time I look toward Kaitlin another one of my friends (Lacey) just randomly popped up next to her out of nowhere. Then my youth pastor told us to just to go sit down because this was the only song we are playing tonight. That is where my dream ended and I woke up after that.