Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Evil Plans!! (Read if you dare) Muahahahaha!

So my cousin Lacey and I have this plan. And well this plan is sort of on the evil side. I can't really tell you what our plan is because it is for the safety of.. .well ourselves. But I can give you this long rant (which as you see I have already started) about me not telling you what our diabolical plans are. I can tell you...oh wait no I can't, never mind. Forget I brought it up. Your just going to have to keep your eyes open for any major "dark" changes...well I shouldn't even tell you we are making changes. That is a faulty on me. But hey I am new at this whole evil trip and it is going to take some getting use to. So forgive me if I'm not perfect with it at first. Which, since I am evil now, then your best bet should be choosing to forgive me! So I as you read this your just going to have to suffer with wanting to know but not finding out (at this moment). Well I hope I was some help if not then your just going to have to suck it up and grow a backbone and get over it. Muahahahaha! >;)

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