Monday, April 19, 2010

Confusion to Romance...?

I was a little confused because not long before my crazy dream I told you about in my last blog; my boyfriend ended up calling me after I had been asleep for about 20 minutes and I most definitely do not remember hearing my phone ring (even now I don't remember!). All I remember was saying "Hello" and then hearing his lovely voice on the other end. So apparently I must have been half-asleep. No telling what I said to him in-between conversations. But we only talked like 15 minutes but it felt longer than that. Even though that was the only time I got to talk to him that day; I still cherish every moment of it! Talking to him for only 1 minute can make my day and keep me happy. I look forward to talking to him every day. But the hardest thing is; his time zone is 2 hours behind us because he lives in Arizona right now. But I have known him for a few years because he comes here ever summer to visit his mom. Luckily, this year he decided to move down here. So behind our relationship is a very good friendship; which is the way it should be. There is also a funny coincidence about our relationship, but I am not going to say it. I’m just going to leave to wonder; but if you want to know just leave me a comment and I will make the answer my next post. Oh and by the way my boyfriends name is Nathan Sullivan <3.

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