Monday, April 19, 2010

What a weird dream!

Okay so my dream last night was extremely weird. It started off with my friend Kaitlin and I walking in late to our youth group service Kaio on Wednesday night. Normally I am there early because I play in the worship band and we have practice. But the only people on stage were Kaitlyn Larsen and my youth pastor. But there was someone playing the guitar because I heard it. I noticed when I looked around that the friend I have been teaching to play was among to youth in the building and playing right along with them. My first thought was why she wasn't on stage playing but then it occurred to me that this was Melissa (the friend that I have been teaching) then I noticed the guitar she was playing. It was my guitar! I was like "What the heck! Why and how does she have my guitar and how did she learn to play so good so quickly?!" After we got past that Kaitlin and I went up to the front like we normally do during worship and it was just us two. Which is kind of weird because normally everybody is down front. But then the next time I look toward Kaitlin another one of my friends (Lacey) just randomly popped up next to her out of nowhere. Then my youth pastor told us to just to go sit down because this was the only song we are playing tonight. That is where my dream ended and I woke up after that.

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