Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's Everywhere

It's everywhere
We can't hide from it
There' no way to escape

It's around every corner
The temptation on the world
Is here to haunt us

We live in horror
Each day
We live in danger
That is ready to devour us

Sin lurks in the darkness
It is waiting for you to open the door
For it to come in

It waits for the right opportunity to attack
Sin wants you dead

It hates you so much
That it is willing to do anything
In its power to destroy you

Keep away from it
As much as possible

Join the army of God
It is the only way
To defeat the power of sin

God's power is more powerful
His strength is more desirable
His love is UN-describable

God loves you and
He will provide for you
And he has a way to save you

He is the way, the truth and
The life
Forever and ever

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