Friday, December 11, 2009

The Baby's Here!!!

So all this happened on Wednesday night. It all started at her morning appointment. She was 3cm as of that morning. So the Doctor decided, well I guess it would be okay to go ahead and try and break her water. Sure enough she did but nothing happened. So her and my mom decided to go to Ohio County and visit my Aunt and walking around, hoping that it would throw her into labor. Now keep in mind that this is still the afternoon and her appointment was at 9:30am. So before church my mom got a call from my sister. She was saying that she was having pains and feeling tons of pressure. mom told her to go to the hospital to see if the will go ahead and emit her. Now it was after church at about 8:20 when I got to the hospital. We were waiting to see of the doctor would keep her for the night. After waiting for about 2 in a half hours it was decided that she would stay. So they put my sister on iv to speed up her contractions. Sure enough it did. But it took it's own sweet time doing so. It was about 12:00 or so when her contractions started to pick up and after a few hours after that spike, is when it all happened. All the pushing and screaming, all the pain and happiness, and then there was crying. As the cutest most adorable baby sitting right in the doctors hands weighing 7 pounds and 1 ounce at 18 inches long. Then her daddy was there to separate her from her mother completely by cutting her imbilacule cord. A beautiful baby girl named Racshel Lehann Sumner was born at 3:20am on Thursday December 10th, 2009. Let me just tell you, it was a hectic night for all of us, but it ended with such a major blessing. So as for me; I am proud to say that I am an Aunt!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


OK so I am like so excited because my sister is that much closer to having her baby. And when I say that much I mean REALLY close. She went to the doctor yesterday and found out the she is 2cm dilated and the baby's head is sitting right on the canal. For those of you who don't know what that is; it is the place in the womb in which the baby comes out of when born. Anyways, so my mom ended up getting a call last night from my sister and she was freaking out because she was having these pains in the bottom of her stomach and it was happening every so-in-so minutes. Well that happens to be the contractions that she is having, BUT they are still pretty far apart. So the baby's name is Raschel Lehann which kind of sounds like Michelle. But that was meant to be on purpose because she is naming her baby after me. And man let me tell you, I don't any words to describe how I feel about that. It's just so overwhelming! And to top it all off she is suppose to be born on Christmas Day in which that is also my birthday. BUT, since all this happening last night we don't think shes going to last that long. We're thinking maybe around the end of this week or sometime next week. Bout OMG I am SOO excited to be an Aunt!! Oh and if I haven't mentioned this yet we are going to call her Raley (the nickname I came up with) because Raschel is knid of a mouth full and we will probably get it mixed up with Michelle, and we can't call her Shell or Shelly because those nicknames are takin by me; in which I am now going to be known as "Aunt Shell"!!!!! :D

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Truth

Okay so I can't remember when it was that I found out the truth about Santa. But I know that my mom and dad didn't keep us believing for too long. It's just how our family is. We don't believe in things that have magical powers or reindeer that can fly. But they just let it go on to have some stories to tell and memories to look back on. But the sad thing is that I can't remember what they are. So apparently they are of no use.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Written in Fear

Is there a place somewhere deep in side you
Where all this pain has built up
and the cause of it all is just making it worse

Somehow you wish that it all would change
but there is a huge wall blocking it

Pain can cause a lot of damage to ones life
no matter if it their problem

I have been in so much pain
to where I use to cry myself to sleep
and most nights I was up with worry

The worry of someone close to me
Pulling apart my family
of knowing what this person is doing to them self is
killing them inside
scared of what might happen next

The fear of my parents thinking that
I would soon follow

If you really know me
You would know that would never happen

The Past in the Present

I dream of one day
To where we can meet again

My mind keeps wondering
Around the thoughts of you never leaving

Of how it could of been
When we hit high school

Questions run through my head
Would we be as close?
Would are actions have changed?

The more I depend on the past
The more I feel like I'm pushing
Everyone else away

Everyone that God has blessed me with
The friends that I love

The more I question
The further away I feel

Mighty God

Lord let your light shine
Let your glory fall

It is the way
It is the way

To save us all

Jesus your name is holy
Your Emmanuel

You are all powerful
Mighty God

Lord let your light shine
Let your glory fall

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Have you every felt that there was a ton of tension between you and someone you really love. It gets so bad to where you cant stand to be around them anymore. Like lets say for example this person is so bullheaded and will not listen to you when you point out their faults and they wont listen to you when you say that they are wrong. Or that they say they know how you feel when they truly don't. Or they come up with some lame excuse and accuse you for something that is wayy off the matter of the things that are happening at that point in time. And to not help things at all there is someone else in the picture that wont stand up to this person because they are afraid of losing them, even though it is killing the person inside and out because that other person is too afraid. Well in the mix of it all this is how I feel, and it is sort of an overview without names to help you understand why I am the way I am. All because of this here situation, I am afraid, and sad and hurt on the inside. When I get the courage to talk to this one person, it ends up turning into a nasty fight because they can't shut up for on second and actually listen to the things I have to say. The excsuse for this is because they say they already know. But in reality they don't. They just don't.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thank You Vet's.

To all those who served
Gave their life and paid a price
for us to free.
I just wanted to say Thank You.

You get recognized on one special day.
But you served many
through bullets and bombs
Fires and storms
You deserve to be thanked everyday.

For those who were lost in the well fought fight
We thank you for giving your life.
It takes a strong man to fight for freedom
Especially with the knowledge
Of not coming back.

We thank you for the blood that you shed
And the lives that you save.
Even to this day.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm Done Waiting!

I will not give up
I will over look the pain and the hurt in my heart
When I see your face I will be as excited as ever
But I will cover up the feelings I have for you
To save our friendship

When I see your face
I will overlook the pain and the hurt in your eyes
It was your decision
So it has been made

I will not settle for second best
I am worth more than that
I will not waste my time
Waiting for you to realize what is right in front of you

However I will help water that seed
That has been planted in your life
So that you can grow and move forward
In your walk with Christ

I am willing to take the pain I feel when I'm
Around you, talk to you and even look at you
Just to show you the love of Christ

He means everything to me
and I am willing to put myself through emotional pain
To return the love that he has given me

You are on my heart for a reason
and I will use everything that God has given me
To fulfill that purpose

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About Tomorrow

Today is a day
But tomorrow is different
You don't know whats going to happen
Each and everyday is different
But always think about tomorow
Are you going to be awake
Or are you going to be in a place where you feel lost
Every second you are thing something different
Every minute you are doing something else
We are not promised tomorrow
It will remain a mystery to us
You won't know until it happens
So be prepared for whats coming
It would help with the fears of tomorrow
Tomorrow is a day of guestions
Is it going to be sunny
Or is it going to be cloudy
Will I be happy, sad, nad or hurt
Will it be a day I'll never forget
Or will it be a day that will be lost forever
These are questions we all have
That no person could answer
Only one knows whats going to happen
He is the ruler of all
Jesus Christ

Whats a Friend to a Best Friend

The days come and go
Each time, I ru
From the life I once had
Scared to love, care, or even be close to someone
Everytime, they get taken away
The only thing left, was the pain
Knowing that person was always there
They cared, and would find the time to listen to me
and yet they understood
They would put aside anything
Just to be there for me
If I fell, they would help me up
They would do anything to keep me on the right path
I have searched for a friend like this
Not only did I find one
But God blessed me with two

I am grateful to have them as a friend
All thanks to the father in heaven

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Scary Halloween

The movie Halloween scared me. Till this day I can hardly watch it. I don't really know why but it does. I will occasionally sit there and watch it but not so often. But one movie I can sit there and watch is When a Stranger call's. I dont really see a different between the two movies, but I'm not really scared to watch this one.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Halloween Monsters who?

Halloween was and always has been
A day for the monsters to attend
There's big one's and small one's
Short one's and tall one's
They may look scary
But in truth they are not at all
Some may be harry
Some may be bare
When it comes to Halloween
All monsters can scare

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lost to be found

Stop your searching
and put down your selfish ways
for you have found happiness
You are no longer lost
for you have found me
I am the all giving
I supply strength for the weal
I am the author of salvation
Your sins have been forgiven
Your chains are broken
The faith you have shown
Is the key to your belief
The love you accept
Is the goal of my teachings
My child, I bless you with gifts
Gifts you give back to me
The prayers of your friends
Has shown my love to thee
I am the Lord your God
To whom you have worshiped

I am here

When life comes at you hard
and you began to fall
I want you to know
I will be there to catch you
When things seem uneven or not fair
and you need someone to talk to
I am here to listen
When it seems like you have lost all faith
and you feel like giving up
I will push you to go on
Because I believe in you
When your arms are to heavy
to hold up on your own
I will be there to lift them myself
For I am a friend who loves
A friend who cares about your choices
and how you live your life
I will be here till the end
Because you are my Best Friend
and I love you with all my heart

A Day to Remember

A day to remember
Is a day to love
If that day never comes
Make a day to remember

Any day can be made to remember
If it's bad
Make it good
If it's sad
Make it happy

No one should leave this Earth
Without a day to remember

To remember a day
Is something you don't want to disappear
It's a special memory to share with your family


Tear's, tear's and more tear's
They keep coming
and they wont stop

I tell them to go away
but they don't listen
Why are they here
What causes them to flow

Hurt, pain, sadness
Or is it the broken heart that wont heal

The broken heart that keeps shattering
Into smaller and smaller pieces
Until there's nothing left

These tear's are caused by the pain inside me
When I scream
I scream so soft
To where only God can hear

So soft that nobody around me knows
About the pain and sadness deep inside me

Beautiful One

Here I am sitting under the clouds, staring at the setting sun
How beautiful it seems
Watching the sun set
My mind wonders into a place so peaceful
All the cares in my life no longer seems to bother me
As I stare into the hypnotizing colors of the west
What a marvelous creation
That my eyes have set upon
Something so beautiful
In a uncaring world
How it seems to make everything calm
The wind dies
The birds finish there day as they settle in their nests for the night
The rabbits snuggle into there holes
The little children enter their homes for supper
The day seems all but forgotten
As a voice whispers through the air
A voice so beautiful
That the sun itself was no match
The sweetest of sounds that your ears would ever set upon
It is a reminder of love
Such a beautiful love
That no other could match
An everlasting love
That triumph’s over all
Love from the beautiful savior
The creator of everything so wonderful
That my friend is the voice of the air

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My greatest fear...

My greatest fear as a kid was mainly the dark. I was always afriad that something was goning to jump out an eat me. It wasn't really the fact of believing in monsters at the time. Because thoes didn't really scare me. I was just afraid of the darkness that surrounded me. Because I felt alone. But now that I'm older, it seems kind of silly. Now I don't have to be afraid to be alone. I have people in my life that I care about and I know they care about me. No matter my faults; I know they will never leave me.

Monday, September 28, 2009


I like fall but it is not my favorite time of the year. Fall is a fun and beautiful time for me and brings back all kinds of memories. I love the change of the trees and the new smell it brings. What I like about fall the most is it gives me the opprotunaity ti wear jackets. I love wearing jackets. Some people may find me weird for it, but I don't really care because I am more comfortable in a jacket than I am in a regular shirt. I feel more secure.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Never be afraid to sit a while and think"

The thing with this quote is, I am afraid to just sit in think. Maybe not all the time, but here lately I have been. Just the things that has gone on and happened to my family and me the past 2 years. It's something I don't want to think about. I also do not want to think about the future just yet. I mean I know what I'm going to go to college for and I have a few of them in mind. It's just...I not exactly ready to think about being out on my own...and leaving all my best friend...I'm not ready for it. There are times I wish that the days would go by slower and time I wish for them to speed up. But I know it doesn't work that way. But when I do sit and think...I normally pull out a pen and paper and just right...right a small entry or a poem. Writing is something I have always been good at. Unless it's an assignment for class...because then I have to think about what I'm writing...but normally I just write. And what comes out after I read it is what I realize to be true.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Life Goes On

Life seems to be tough at times. But you can't let them get you down. I know it may be hard at first to move on. It is for me. But during the times that I go trough; I remember that I have a God that loves me enough to pull me out of anything, and he pushes me forward when I know I need to, but to scared to take that step. I know that he has put some amazing people in my life to be there for me through those times. As he has for each and everyone. He is an amazing God, who loves sinners but hates the sin. Sinners being the people, and the sin being, well you know, sin. So don't mistake that as God hateing you because the only hates the sin that you do. Not only is he a loveing God, he is also a forgiving one. He will forgive you of your sin. But once you ask for forgiveness, don't turn around and go back to doing the same thing. The bible compares a person going back to their sin to a dog going back to it's vomit. That is just plain disgusting, and yet very true. So in the life you live, what do you choose? To live for everything God is and that he has stored up for you? Or to keep up your life of sin, asking for forgiveness a few times then going straight back to it?

Friday, September 18, 2009

What to do

When I think about the future. It makes me wanna cry. It scares me to think that in less than 2 years I will be out on my own. And I am not sure I'm ready for a huge jump like that. I mean I know what I want to do with my life abd I know wear I'm going to start. But I'm just not ready to leave all my friends and family behind.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Friendship v.s. Struggles

There comes times in my life when it seems that everything fails

It feels as if my whole life has been change

Because of one little thought or decision

But when I look at the people around me

That love and care for me

With the deepest passion that is allowed in a family or friendship relationship

I know that I won't be alone

I know they will always be there besides me

and as it is Vi's-verse

Only my truest of friends

Really care about my crazy mind

And all that may pass through it

Even my bestest of friends

Is always there

I really don't know what I would do with the people I have in my life

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"A family that laughs together stays together"

Each one of us has a different laugh. Not one of us will sound the same. Yet we all seem to laugh at different things. Laughter is important because it is a sign that you are happy or rather it will cheer you up. For me a good laugh at any point in time always makes me feel better. I would say laughter is very contagious. Every time one my friends truly laugh it always makes me laugh. Rather if the situation is funny or not, I will laugh with them because I laugh at their happiness. The people who makes me laugh the most would be my best friend. I don't know what it is about her...It doesn't matter what kind of mood I am in she always seems to find a hole around it and ends up making me laugh.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Worthless or not

No matter what I go through or what I do
No matter where I'm at
You will always be there

You help me with my hardest trials
and you pull me out of my deepest depressions
There are people in my life that are meant to comfort me
When I need most

Even though knowing that all this is true
I find myself still stuck
In everything that is new

I can't seem to find the words
that will make sense of all this mess
Every jumbled word
to every pointless thought

All it is to me
is such a worthless fought

Friday, August 28, 2009

Broken Heart

A heart is not a toy

It is a collectable

It needs to be mended with love and care

Not scratched, not broken, not torn, or bruised

If it falls to the ground

And shatters into pieces

Make it into a puzzle

Glue it back together

If it does not hold

Try to put tape around it

You may soon find

That nothing in this world

Is strong enough to mend a broken heart

A broken heart can only be mended

By a healer not of this world

But a healer of the heavens, earth, and sky

Who is this healer?

Is he the one who people speak of?

The one they say have set us free

Free from sorrow, sin, and shame

Is he the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords?

Indeed he is Jesus Christ

Savior of all

The only one that can mend a broken heart

Does the World

Does the world do anything out of the ordinary?

Like make you feel like you don’t belong

Does make you feel worthless?

Will it take the ones who you love?

Ones you thought you may not lose

Someone you thought will always be at your side

Are you swallowed in the world?

So deep to where no one can see or hear

What you have to say

Does the world take you so far

To were you feel alone

When someone passes you by

They don’t even know you are there

Is the world such a scary place

That it makes you keep your eyes open every night

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



A word that is commonly used by the human race

We believe that there are many things that are impossible for us to accomplish

Many goals that seem impossible to achieve

What we don't realize...

Is that all things are possible.

What makes all things possible?

Jesus Christ does.

Searching for proof...?

Think of his life

His teachings, the miracles, his wounds.

By his wounds we are healed.

None of the Pharisees believed that he was the Messiah.

They wanted proof.

No, they needed proof.

They told him to get up off of his cross and walk away.

They mocked him, and spit in his face.

Three days later...he rose from they grave.

Holes still in his hands from where they nailed him to the cross.

Only then did they realize who he was.

All this comes to the point that, "Through Christ all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Just because all things are possible, doesn't mean that God will make them possible.

I Cannot Say Goodbye

I cannot say goodbye

For it is only a word I do not understand

When I say goodbye it hurts so much

You would never know the pain that I feel when I say goodbye

It doesn’t mean a thing

When I speak the very word

I feel as if I am one a hill of nails

Piercing every inch of my body

Goodbye to me is nothing

Only a word that I say

A word that will remain a mystery to me

So in the end

Let's start with Hello

Wondering Future

I cannot help to wonder

About the days to come

The future that lies ahead

Wanting to know what is to become of me

To think of the things to happen

See the things to leave

Wondering if the friends in the present

Will still be there in the future

Missing those who will leave

Loving those who will always be there

Caring for those who will just appear…

Monday, August 24, 2009


This world is full of many thoughts,

Feelings and questions

That’s what makes it all ordinary

Every question, thought, or feeling

Has its own importance

They are different in each and everyway

Even from the littlest thoughts to the smallest feelings

It’s all ordinary

Each person is different

In every way, shape, or form

Our thoughts, choices, and life styles

We were made to be different

Our dreams, our goals

They are somewhat similar

Yet they are different

We were given the right to choose

The right to live as we please

The way we live

Is different from another

The things we do

Has its own advantage

On how it affects our life

It’s ordinary

God has a purpose

He put every single one of us

Here on this earth

He has made us different from one another

And it’s what makes this earth ordinary

God has a plan

For all of us

We can choose to follow that plan

Or not

He knows what we are going to choose

What we are going to say, think, or do

He holds our future in his hands

And that’s extraordinary

Can't You See

Of all the tears I have shed

To all the prayers that I have prayed

You still seem to ignore it all

Why can’t you see the pain you cause?

The troubles you have made

The fear you have brought

Why can’t you see the love in front of you?

All the joy you would find

Of the people who care for you

Why do you choose to be blinded by hate?

The hate of a sinner, the hate of a serpent

You chose to walk down the fiery path of Hell

You forgot everything you once dreamed of

The one in which whom you believed in

You walked away

Away from everything and everyone

You didn’t care about the love we have for you

You had no reason to leave

Everything you wanted was right in front of you

And you chose to pass it up

And throw it all away

You are a loved one

You are wanted

Why can’t you see that?

My Heart Aches

You said you would never leave

You said you would always be here

But as I turn around you are not there

I hear you, but I do not see you

You said you would always be there

But now your not

I feel so alone, so lost

Because my Best Friend is gone

There is nothing but a whole in my heart

That whole is where you were

And that whole is where you belong

Now there is nothing but sadness

Sadness that will never go away

All the good time

All the games and videos remain

Other than that there is nothing else

Besides the memories and sadness in my heart

I love you

I love you as my sister

And as my friend

Even though you are gone

That love will never end

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Most like relative.

The relative I am most like is my mother. Not by the eyes but the hair, the looks of my face and my attitude. I am really srtrong temperd just like she is. I have also got the active gene in me to where I am good at almost every sport I play just like she was at 16.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What happens to the time?

Where does all the time go? I keep thinking about the past and all the fun times and it just makes me wasn't to still be living in those particular moments. In reality I know that I can't. I just wish that the best time in life (which I see to be right now) would slow down just a little bit. "How time fly's, I think it is time for it to take a walk and slow down" -Michelle Warner